Saturday, August 13, 2011

This Title Has Nothing To Do With My Post

So it appears that I just dropped off the face of the earth.

Well, it's okay, because that would probably be true. I have to admit, blogging is not at the top of my priority list. Bad blogger, Rachel! Bad, bad.

That, and I've been having...trouble with my manuscript. I think I've written about four separate drafts for it and nothing seems right. I don't want to give up on it, not at all, but, still. It's a bit disheartening. I know the tale I want to tell, but putting the words on paper is an entirely different story (Haha! See what I did there?).

I think that I should take some time to get reacquainted with my characters and their world, and especially with their story, and see where that takes me. Hopefully somewhere I want to go!

I know that as soon as this comes out of my mouth (or fingers, rather) I'm going to contradict myself because I'm a contrary person, but I'm not going to disappear off the face of the earth again. I want to get into the blogosphere, get myself out there. So we'll just see how it goes, yes?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I understand you my dear!
I agree with you plan!
spend a while just exploding the world of you characters and getting to know them again. They might surprise you, they have grown up alongside you, and they like you have changed. maybe that's why your having trouble, you are tying to write in the past. I had to rediscover my characters when I went back. Miaread and Dezz were not the same characters I had left!