Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Don’t worry, I’m sure things will return to normal shortly

So I’ve recently recovered from a computer crash!  Thankfully, all  my important documents had already been saved and backed up onto an external hard drive, a flash drive, email, and everything else I could possibly think of. So when people tell you to back up your work? They are not lying.

In other news, I’ve downloaded this nifty little program from windows live which should help me keep up with blogging a bit more! It’s called “Windows Live Writer” and it connects to your blog via your desktop. For me, this is a very nice feature. most of the time when I think “Hmmmm, I should blog”, I’m almost always instantly distracted by other things (Like google, facebook, twitter….)

But hopefully, with this nifty little contraption, it should come to an end and you can all kick me in the pants if it doesn’t.

Tonight at midnight I, along with a bunch of other most likely criminally insane individuals will be starting JulNoWriMo, which is exactly what it sounds like, National novel writing month, except in July. Whooopee! We’ll see how far I get with my new project.