Wednesday, March 31, 2010

I Live, I promise!

To prove that I am, in fact, a living breathing person and that this is not just a dump space for Teaser Tuesdays that probably no one ever reads, I present to you a meme!

What’s Your Writing Style?

1. Are you a “pantser” or a “plotter?”
Both. I used to call myself a plain old "pantser", but it isn't accurate anymore. If I were a pantser, I wouldn't do an ounce of research before starting a project. But! Oh, wow, look! I actually did research this time! ...A lot of it.

2. Detailed character sketches or “their character will be revealed to me as a I write”?

Both, once again. I need to know the character before I start writing, or else it feels stinted. Not real. This doesn't mean that I fill out character survey after character survey, but I'll write a character sketch, or imagine their dialogue in my head. Although, just because I do all this doesn't mean that the moment my fingers touch the keys (or put the pen to paper) that it won't all fly out the window. Characters are helpful like that.

3. Do you know your characters’ goals, motivations, and conflicts before you start writing or is that something else you discover only after you start writing?

I need to stop answering both to these questions. But yes, most of the time I do know their goals and such. They need to be going somewhere to get to it, right?

4. Books on plotting – useful or harmful?

Try as I might, no matter what book it is, I can't seem to sit down and read anything on writing. For me, the best course of learning is to actually sit down and do it. (Though I do admit that my preferred form of procrastination is to read Author Blogs)

5. Are you a procrastinator or does the itch to write keep at you until you sit down and work?


Procrastinator, through and through. I'll want to write, but after sitting down and staring at my WIP for five minutes, I'll decide that I'd rather read, or watch youtube videos, or play with my cat. Or, God forbid, do housework.

If I actually force myself to sit down and write, though, I'll

6. Do you write in short bursts of creative energy, or can you sit down and write for hours at a time?

Dare I say it? Okay, yeah, I do. BOTH.

7. Are you a morning or afternoon writer?

I used to be a strict evening writer. But then I did NaNoWriMo, and all of that went out the window. Now I write whenever I have an extra five minutes.

8. Do you write with music/the noise of children/in a cafe or other public setting, or do you need complete silence to concentrate?

I like to write with music. A lot of the time, I'll match music up with certain scenes, or characters, and when it comes time to write for those things, I like to keep the mood going.

9. Computer or longhand? (or typewriter?)

I'll write longhand if I find myself in a rut that I can't get out of. Otherwise, I usually prefer computer.

10. Do you know the ending before you type Chapter One?

Sometimes. I know the ending for my current WIP, but other stories that I've written I haven't known the ending until it's actually been written down.

11. Does what’s selling in the market influence how and what you write?

Not really. I pay attention to what's selling in the market, but it won't necessarily make me drop my project and start work on something else that fits the current trend.

12. Editing – love it or hate it?

One word: Ew.